The article will introduce a non-parametric, Bayesian regression method - Gaussian process regression, from derive to visualise with D3JS.
Introduction to text mining with word2vec and tf-idf along with an example to match YouTube videos based on input query.
An introduction to YouTube Data API and Etags.
Mathmatical proofs of validity of soft cosine measure and reduce complexity from O(N²) to O(N) in deployment.
Introduction to how to write a DAG on Airflow. Including writing custom operators, XComs, branching operators, triggers and variables.
A quick way to collect YouTube channels' id from YouTube home page asynchronously.
Querying nested JSON in Python with recursive programming.
Deploying Docker stacks of Airflow and Postgres database with docker-compose.
An introduction to Github Actions with an example to write a post whenever a new blog post is merged to the main branch.
An implementation of Google OAuth2 procedures on Rust reqwest for Server-side Web Apps and Service Accounts.
My personal blog on Mathematics and Data Science