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English: Fluent
Cantonese: Native
Mandarin: Fluent


Wilson Kam Kai Yip

Conscientious, hard working, enjoy learning new technology (in quick pace), and able to resolve business problems via theoretical math. Fluent in both Python and R.


Tailify Software

Machine Learning Engineer



  • EDA and feature engineering with PySpark, ElasticSearch and other databases to provide quality analyses and input for models.
  • Design and implement machine learning models to predict YT channels’ audiences demographics. Design and implement FastAPI for the model.
  • Monitor the system performances by querying Grafana Loki and perform log analysis. Visualise the results on Grafana and Looker Studio.
  • Design database architecture, collaborate with multiple stakeholders to understand requirements. Build and maintain a PostgreSQL database.
  • ETL the agency performance and operational data with Airflow .
  • Apply mathematical knowledge to real world problems: introducing soft-cosine similarity to optimise the existing cosine similarity model, matching 5-10% more top performers.
  • Writing async functions to follow tens of millions urls (include link shorteners e.g. to identify the real domains, reducing 90% of execution time compare to non-async functions.
  • Rapid application development: Automating client requests to generate documents, logging and notification on completion. Utilizing Google APIs, Slack API, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL.

City University of Hong Kong

Research Assistant (Data Analytics)

Hong Kong


  • Scraped thousands of research papers from library system via Selenium, study the relationships and correlations from the \(n\)-gram networks, and summaries them through topic modeling algorithms.
  • Carry out network analysis on the ecosystem of social enterprises, identify the centralities of nodes and conduct community clustering on ecosystem.
  • Identify characteristics of different test groups in experiments via AB-testing, regression, PCA etc.

HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, HKU

Research Assistant (Data Analytics)

Hong Kong


  • Collaborate with external agencies to establish the first online counselling platform in Hong Kong, Open Up. Code infrastructure with Packer, Chef Infra, Kitchen CI, Vagrant and hosting VMs on Azure. Setting up MongoDB and various applications on Linex servers.
  • Design API specifications for vendors. ETL service data into in-house database for research purposes.
  • Host, design, and implement Shiny Dashboard on a VM to share service data with NGO partners.
  • Apply Poisson regression and Negative Binomial regression on count data to identify the users’ characteristics.


University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Science



Major: Mathematics/Physics
Minor: Computational and Financial Mathematics